
SABIC unveils at NPE 2018 first successful micromolding of IR optical sensor lenses using high-performance EXTEM™ resin

Published May 11, 2018
SABIC, a global leader in the chemical industry, unveiled today at NPE 2018, booth S19001, a major breakthrough in the production of infrared (IR) optical sensor lenses for proximity sensing and gesture recognition in smartphones and other electronics applications using its EXTEM™ thermoplastic polyimide (TPI) resin. SOPROD SA, a Swiss molding company, selected the high-performance SABIC material, which features IR transparency, to mass-produce sensor lenses using micromolding with a multi-cavity tool. Efficient, high-volume molding of EXTEM resin can deliver multiple advantages over grinding and polishing of quartz glass and curing of epoxy resin. These benefits can include speed, consistently high quality and the avoidance of costly secondary operations. SOPROD’s achievement offers the electronics industry a new and highly efficient solution to meet accelerating demand for IR optical sensors.
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Amy Godfrey
AH&M Marketing Communications
+1 413 448 2260, x370